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Sad Instagram captions

Sad Instagram captions

   Nowadays ,everyone is using the Instagram app on their mobile. Instagram is one of the most popular and widely used Photo sharing application which is  owned by Facebook allow users to share their Photos and Videos. Instagram is a fun ,best & trending social media platform solution to share images and videos with friends and fans. There are 400 million+ customers using Instagram on the phones. Here in this article, we are going to share Travel Instagram captions for Instagram 2018.

   Below down are the best Travel Instagram captions which will definitely amuse your followers very much and will provide a story to your followers.

So friends,  here are your 150+ Travel Instagram captions for your photos and videos.

Sad Instagram captions

  1. Who hurt you? "My own expectation"
  2. You broke me with a heartbreak but, why are you still breaking me with those memories?
  3. I wish I were a little girl again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.
  4. Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  5. People do not die from Suicide. They die due to sadness.
  6. There are a million ways to lose someone you love.
  7. Never ending talks ended with just one confrontation.
  8. I'm a failure. At everything.😔
  9. Not every person who asks about your problems is concerned about you.
  10. Knowing I can’t have you is the thing that hurts the most.
  11. You turned the page, I burned the book.📕
  12. People always change after being hurt.
  13. It’s better to be lonely than to be played by wrong people.
  14. I don’t want to get attached to anyone, anymore.
  15. The past can’t hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.
  16. At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.
  17. Sometimes, the best way to get a person’s attention is to stop giving them yours.
  18. When you gave up on me, I gave up on me too.
  19. Just smile and say I’m fine because nobody really cares.
  20. Don't ruin today's happiness by thinking about yesterday's sadness.
  21. I didn’t choose to be like this. The world makes me like this.
  22. Just to avoid getting hurt, he started living alone.
  23. Just because I let you don’t mean I wanted to.
  24. I am tired of trusting, loving, believing, getting hurt and of everything. I am just tired.😞
  25. Sometimes it’s better to stop and cry. Behind my smile is everything you will never understand.
  26. The most important things are hardest to say.
  27. Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you.
  28. Don't be sorry. I trusted you, My faults not yours.
  29. A heart with trust and an eye with dust always cries!!.
  30. Beautiful things are felt, and never be touched.
  31. You think I’ve changed. Truth is you never really knew the real me.
  32. We fall in love 😍with people👩 we can't have.
  33. A broken💔 heart is what changes people.
  34. You think I’ve changed. Truth is you never really knew the real me.
  35. Yes, I’m smiling, but you’re not the reason anymore.
  36. All my dreams were shattered after we broke up.
  37. He proved that promises are made to be broken.
  38. One broken relationship makes you question every relationship.
  39. One broken relationship makes you question every relationship.
  40. The past can’t hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.
  41. Don't think too much🤔. Just do what makes you happy.
  42. It’s better to break up when the sweet love turns into poison.
  43. The past can’t hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.
  44. Every break up is an opportunity to do it right the next time.
  45. A crumbled piece of paper cannot be fixed to become a fine one and so does a broken relationship.
  46. I was falling and you looked another way.
  47. You think I’ve changed. Truth is you never really knew the real me.
  48. Every break up is an opportunity to do it right the next time.
  49. The worst feeling is not being lonely, sometimes it is being forgotten by someone you can’t forget.
  50. I was falling and you looked another way.
  51. Never waste your feelings on someone who doesn't know the value of them😑
  52. Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed the first time.
  53. Take me back to the time when you love me and I love you.
  54. Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard.
  55. It’s sad but life is full of sudden good bye’s.
  56. I guess broken pieces of glass hurt one badly and so does broken pieces of human heart.
  57. I broke my own heart💔 loving you.
  58. Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
  59. Sometimes we have to let go of what’s killing us, even if it’s killing us to let go.
  60. I m falling for someone that I can't have.
  61. She was my painkiller but now she became my pain and killer.
  62. Beautiful things are felt, and never be touched.
  63. When trees burn, they leave the smell of heartbreak in the air.
  64. There’s someone who has been lost, the one I loved the most, And the one is you.
  65. I've turned people into homes and ended up homeless.
  66. I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past.
  67. I'm not perfect, but at least I'm not fake.
  68. It was strange that amidst jealousy and fights our love lost somewhere.
  69. Did I change or did you just stop loving me?
  70. It's sad😕 when people can make everyone else happy 😄but not themselves.
  71. She says she doesn’t care, but her eyes tell a different story.
  72. Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care, but because they don’t anymore.
  73. I've turned people into homes and ended up homeless.
  74. Nobody understands another's sorrow, and nobody another's joy.
  75. Don't be sorry. I trusted you, My faults not yours.
  76. I wish one could understand that not everything we say is a lie.
  77. She didn't know, Who would leave or stay. So she pushed them all away.
  78. Not friends👬, Not enemies, Just some strangers with some memories.
  79. I like to listen to sad music when I’m sad to make me double sad.
  80. Life would be much better if people could leave me ALONE. 🚶
  81. There’s someone who has been lost, the one I loved the most, And the one is you.
  82. Your life doesn't get better by chance, It's getting better by a change.
  83. My tears are like anchors that sink my heart to the depths of the deepest ocean.
  84. Dont cry cause he left you, laugh cause he lost you😌❤
  85. You will always owe me a reason to not to believe in love.
  86. Sometimes what you want doesn’t deserve you.
  87. I am mad for her but why am I not made for her?
  88. I left because you never asked me to stay.
  89. The worst way to love someone is to sit next to them, knowing they don’t love you back.
  90. Memories are wonderful to make but sometimes painful to remember depending on what they are.
  91. I need a break from everything & everyone🙌
  92. Sometimes a plan is just a list of things that don’t happen.
  93. Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.
  94. Is feeling like the weight of the world is sitting on their shoulder.
  95. Being lonely is like a storm 🌪 with no rain 🌧, crying without tears.
  96. Did I change or did you just stop loving me?
  97. Did I change or did you just stop loving me?
  98. Don’t leave me alone. coz I never wanna leave you.
  99. Someday those tears will make sense.
  100. I dreamt of a forever but I guess he had a different view.
  101. She didn't need to be fixed, just loved.
  102. I'm sorry, I'm not what you wanted.
  103. The worst feeling is not being lonely, sometimes it is being forgotten by someone you can’t forget.
  104. You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
  105. Sometimes our heart needs more time to accept what our mind already knows.
  106. Tears are the rain of life. Nothing grows without water.
  107. I was falling and you looked another way.
  108. I’m only pretending to be me.
  109. Don’t leave me alone. coz I never wanna leave you.
  110. You will never understand until it happens 😊to you.
  111. Let your tears come. Let them water your soul.
  112. Silence says a lot more than you think.
  113. Someday those tears will make sense.
  114. When You Sit Alone …You Sit With Your Past …
  115. The right man will love all the things about you that the wrong one was intimidated by.
  116. Sometimes people hurt you and act like you hurt them.
  117. The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
  118. If your love dies with the passage of time then it was never loved.
  119. Fall in love with as many  things as possible.
  120. Life tip, Stop expecting.
  121. I’m scared of losing you and I don’t even know why because you ain’t even mine to lose.
  122. Maybe she plays with everyone’s heart ❤ but how lucky I am she choose mine too.
  123. Don't ruin today's happiness by thinking about yesterday's sadness.
  124. Even white rose has a black shadow.
  125. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.
 Whenever you login into your account, you see many photos and videos shared by your following ones with many different Instagram captions.It has no limit of uploading photos or videos, you can upload as much as you want.

  Here is my collection of 20+ Instagram captions categories which you will definitely love to use as your "Instagram captionsand bookmark this Homepage for regular uses.Here in this article, we are going to share Instagram captions for Instagram 2018.

These Instagram captions are very useful for each  Instagram users to create a strong Instagram profile.
    I hope you liked my collection of  100+ Flirting Instagram captions categories for your Instagram photos and videos.


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